Matthew J. Vowels

Curriculum vitae


Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing

University of Surrey

Matthew J. Vowels


Matthew J. Vowels

Curriculum vitae


Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing

University of Surrey

I'm a PhD candidate in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, and am supervised by Prof. Richard Bowden (University of Surrey) as well as Prof. Peter Hilpert (University of Lausanne). I am also a consultant in audio systems and electroacoustic transducer design.

I am deeply interested in the integration of causal inference into machine learning methods, as well interdisciplinary applications of state-of-the-art statistical and data analytic methodologies in applied/empiricial contexts like finance, econometrics, psychology, and social science.

I have an MSc in computer vision, robotics, and machine learning, an M.S. in Family Sciences, and a BMus (Hons) in Tonmeister audio engineering.

I enjoy playing and recording music. Please visit my youtube channels  [ for music content ] and [ for machine learning content ].


BERT meets LIWC: Exploring State-of-the-Art Language Models for Predicting Communication Behavior in Couples' Conflict Interactions

J. Biggiogera, G. Boateng, P. Hilpert, M. Vowels, G. Bodenmann, M. Neysari, F. Nussbeck, T. Kowatsch

arXiv preprint, arXiv:2106.01536, 2021

Shadow-Mapping for Unsupervised Neural Causal Discovery

M.J. Vowels, N.C. Camgoz, R. Bowden

CVPR Causality in Vision Workshop, 2021

D’ya like DAGs? A Survey on Structure Learning and Causal Discovery

M.J. Vowels, N.C. Camgoz, R. Bowden

arXiv preprint, arXiv:2103.02582, 2021

Spectral and Cross-Spectral Analysis-a Tutorial for Psychologists and Social Scientists

M.J. Vowels, L.M. Vowels, N.D. Wood

Psychological Methods, 2021

What can be learned from couple research: Examining emotional co-regulation processes in face-to-face interactions.

P. Hilpert, T.R. Brick, C. Fluckiger, M.J. Vowels, E. Cuelemans, P. Kuppens, L. Sels

Journal of Counseling Psychology, vol. 67(4), 2020

Couple Perceptions as Mediators Between Family Economic Strain and Marital Quality: Evidence From Longitudinal Dyadic Data

B. Ross, J. Gale, K. Wickrama, J. Goetz, M.J. Vowels, Y. Tang

Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 2020

NestedVAE: Isolating common factors via weak supervision

M.J. Vowels, N.C. Camgoz, R. Bowden


Gated variational autoencoders: Incorporating weak supervision to encourage disentanglement

M.J. Vowels, N.C. Camgoz, R. Bowden

15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2020

Targeted VAE: Structured Inference and Targeted Learning for Causal Parameter Estimation

M.J. Vowels, N.C. Camgoz, R. Bowden

arXiv preprint, arXiv:2009.13472, 2020

The Impact of Family Economic Strain On Work-Family Conflict, Marital Support, Marital Quality, and Marital Stability During the Middle Years

B. Ross, J. Gale, K. Wickrama, J. Goetz, M.J. Vowels

Journal of Personal Finance, vol. 18(2), 2019

Using spectral and cross-spectral analysis to identify patterns and synchrony in couples’ sexual desire

M.J. Vowels, K.P. Mark, L.M. Vowels, N.D. Wood

PloS One, vol. 13(10), 2018


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